

保健品 nanfang 2023-06-18 00:09 140 0


As the Christmas season gets underwaythoughts turn to buying gifts for the entire family. For some, companionanimals are on the gift list, particularly cats and dogs who s過了臘八就是年民謠hare our homesand hearts.


隨著圣誕季的來臨,想法變成了給全家買禮物對有些人來說,伴侶型動物是位列禮品清單之上的,尤其是分享我們家和心靈的那些貓貓狗狗們Whether they’ve been naughty or nicematters not, as the more than US$1 billion pet toy industry has everything fromthe whimsical to practical to keep Fluffy and Spot occupied and caretakersentertained. 過了臘八就是年民謠Many of the go-to items for cats contain catnip.。


它們是調(diào)皮還是乖巧都無關(guān)緊要,因為產(chǎn)值超過10億美元的寵物用品產(chǎn)業(yè)擁有從古怪到實用的各種玩意兒,來讓毛茸茸帶斑點的主兒們有事可做,還能讓監(jiān)護人高興很多為貓準(zhǔn)備的首選項目中都包含有貓薄荷  This herb, which goes by the botanical nameof Nepeta cataria, induces changes in cat behavior. In my view, it’s worthconsidering whether givin過了臘八就是年民謠g a mood-altering substance to a pet is ethical.。


這種在植物學(xué)中稱為貓薄荷的香草,會誘發(fā)貓咪行為的改變在我看來,把能改變心情的物質(zhì)送給寵物是否道德,是值得三思的Catnip is sold in small packets and toys aswell as in highly concentrated forms such as oils and sprays. The concentratedforms are different from its availability in nature. If a cat wer過了臘八就是年民謠e to encountercatnip in the wild, it would be in the form of leafy greens growing on plants,not concentrated.。


貓薄荷不僅以小包裝和玩具的形式售賣,也有諸如油和噴霧劑等高度濃縮的形式獲取到的濃縮形式,不同于它在自然中的形態(tài)如果一只貓在野外碰到貓薄荷,它的形式會是長在植物上的綠葉,而不是濃縮的Not all cats are affected by the drug, butfor some it can have a five- to 15-minute marij過了臘八就是年民謠uana- kind of effect.。


并不是所有貓都會受藥物影響,但對于有些貓,它會帶來5到15分鐘類似大麻的藥效About 30 percent do not respond at all –which means 70 percent do – and it doesn’t have an impact on kittens until theyare about 6 months old, the time they attain sexual maturity.。


約有30%的貓完全不會作有反應(yīng),這意味著70%的會,而且它不會對貓崽過了臘八就是年民謠產(chǎn)生影響,直到它們長到約六個月大,那是它們達到性成熟的時間When under the influence, some cats rollaround, salivate, and at times, fight with other cats. It is not clear if thereare any medicinal benefits. Cat owners often laugh at this behavior of theirfeline friends as being “high.”。


在受到影響的情況下,有些貓會滾來滾去,會唾液分泌過量,偶爾還會和其過了臘八就是年民謠他貓打架并不清楚它是否會帶來任何醫(yī)學(xué)上方面的好處貓主人經(jīng)常會取笑他們貓科朋友們的這種“醉了”的行為Babes and beasts美女與野獸


As an animal media studies scholar, I arguelaughing at a cat who has been given a drug even if they seem happy shouldraise questions about human power and animal autonomy.


作為一名動物媒體研究學(xué)者,取笑一只被投喂了藥物的貓,哪怕它們看上去很開心,也過了臘八就是年民謠是應(yīng)當(dāng)對人類的權(quán)力和動物的自主權(quán)提出質(zhì)疑的Several philosophers have made an argumentfor giving the same moral consideration to animals as we would give to humans.Philosopher Jan Narveson, for example, asked in context of eating meat, whetheranimals suffer and if that was sufficient reason not to eat them.。

若干個哲學(xué)家已經(jīng)就給予動物與過了臘八就是年民謠人同等的道德關(guān)切展開了爭論比如哲學(xué)家簡·納維森問到,在吃肉這件事情上動物是否受了苦,以及這是否構(gòu)成足夠的理由不去吃它們One animal ethics theory denies moralstanding to other animals, stating they lack characteristics that only humansare thought to possess, such as rationality, autonomy and consciousness. Butanother theory of moral equality argues that there 過了臘八就是年民謠are parallels in mentalcapabilities between humans and other animals and that moral considerationshould not be limited to only our own species.。


Philosopher Peter Singer, calls for “equalconsiderat過了臘八就是年民謠ion of interests.” Singer argues that we should not use our speciesas a measure of the worth or abilities of others, or their worthiness ofethical consideration. Other philosophers too have argued that simply becausedogs or other animals don’t have the same vocal structure as humans doesn’tmean they過了臘八就是年民謠 should be treated with less compassion.


Furthermore, humans share many traits –empathy, ability to communicate, eating habits, sociability – with otherspecies. For example, the ca過了臘八就是年民謠pacity to love one’s young, the need to have food,water and to spend time with others of one’s own species are not exclusivelyhuman traits. According to philosopher Julia Tanner, “It would be arbitrary todeny animals with similar capacities a similar level of moral consideration.”


”So, if is unethical to drug a child and tolaugh at how he or she responds, should we unthinkingly do the same with ourcats?

那么,如果讓一個孩子嗑藥然后取笑他或者她的反應(yīng)是不道德的,我們應(yīng)不應(yīng)該不加思索地對我們的貓咪做同樣的事?Consider animal ethi過了臘八就是年民謠cs關(guān)心動物倫理學(xué)The discussion on whether giving catnip isethical has been an ongoing one on social media and other websites.

關(guān)于投喂貓薄荷是否道德的討論已經(jīng)在社交媒體和其他網(wǎng)站上持續(xù)發(fā)生On Reddit, for example, one personcommented, “think of it as your cat going out for a few beers after work.” Tothat, another reader from an Alcoholics 過了臘八就是年民謠Anonymous family responded, askedwhether it was ethical to give someone a drug in an otherwise substance-freehome.。

比如說在Reddit論壇,有個人這樣評論,“你就把它想成你的貓在完成工作后出去喝了幾杯啤酒”另一個來自匿名戒酒互助會的讀者回應(yīng)說,只要問問在一個無煙酒毒品的家里把毒品給某個人是否道德I asked the nonprofit People for theEthical Treatment of Animals where they stand on this issu過了臘八就是年民謠e. Media OfficerSophia Charchuk responded:。

我問過善待動物組織里那些不以盈利為目的的人對于這個議題的立場媒體官員索菲亞·嘉杰克回應(yīng)道:“PETA is all for treating cat companions to reasonable amounts ofhigh-quality catnip – and for keeping them indoors, where they’ll be safe fromcars, contagious diseases, predators, and cruel humans and able to en過了臘八就是年民謠joy toys(including those filled with catnip) for years to come.”。

“善待動物組織(PETA)致力于給貓咪伴侶投喂合理劑量的高品質(zhì)貓薄荷,保證它們待在室內(nèi),在那里它們不會受到貓、傳染病、掠食者和殘忍人類的威脅,還能在之后的幾年中享受玩具(包括填充了貓薄荷的玩具)”However, my point here is not only aboutwhether cats feel pleasure or pain. It’s about taking responsibility for ouractions towards our p過了臘八就是年民謠ets and giving them the same moral consideration as we doto humans.。

然而我想說的,不僅在于貓感覺到的是愉悅還是痛苦,而是我們在對待寵物的行為上要負起責(zé)任來,給予它們我們給予人類同等的道德關(guān)切We rarely notice how advertising,television programs, movies and photographs often present a one-dimensionalview of animals using them to say something about us, but very 過了臘八就是年民謠little about them.Wolves, for example, are widely shown in advertising and film as intent solelyon harming us, rather than the complex, multidimensional pack animals that theyare.。


This 過了臘八就是年民謠has an impact on how we view animals.I agree with scholars who have pointed out that we need to view animals assubjects of their own lives rather than objects in ours. I believe we need toreconsider the ethics of “catnipping” them.

這對于我們?nèi)绾慰创齽游锂a(chǎn)生了影響我同意學(xué)者們已經(jīng)指出的,即我們需要把動物看成它們自己生命的主體,而不是我們生命的客體我認為我們還是需要考慮過了臘八就是年民謠給它們“投喂貓薄荷”背后的倫理(評論)1、I have never forcedmy cat to roll in ecstacy on some quality nip. Animals enjoy gettting a littlehigh sometimes, it seems. reference drunk birds, elephants etc.。

我從未強迫過我的貓咪去嗑某種品級的貓薄荷然后迷醉什么的似乎動物時不時地喜歡讓自己醉兩把參考喝醉的鳥和大象等等2、 When discussing the ethical treatment ofanimals, catnip falls過了臘八就是年民謠 to the bottom of the list between letting the dog drinkfrom the toilet and changing the litter in the hamster cage more frequently.。

討論對待動物的倫理時,貓薄荷根本排不上號,它的重要次序介于讓狗在廁所里喝水,和更頻繁地清理倉鼠籠子里的垃圾之間3、Is it ethical notto? As a feline behavior consultant, so many homes that I visit have so littleenrichment for 過了臘八就是年民謠their indoor cats that the cat is acting out as a result ofstress from boredom. Is it ethical not to provide catnip, toys, cat grass,vertical space, scratching posts, cat trees? Also, silver vine is another odorenrichment that cats love. I do not think catnip is comparable to marijuana oralcohol. It過了臘八就是年民謠 lasts for minutes and cats really enjoy it. It has not been shownto be harmful, only beneficial as it can help reduce hairballs if ingested.And, of course, it provides necessary enrichment for indoor cats.。


我認為貓薄荷是不能拿去和大麻或者酒精作比較的其功效只會持續(xù)幾分鐘,而且貓真的會很享受它還沒有展現(xiàn)出過有害的效果,只會帶來益處,因為它能幫助減少貓咪吃下去的毛球而且,毫無疑問它能給室內(nèi)貓帶來必需的充實感   。

4、The real question is….is an unethical for your cat to give you a gin and tonic ?這里真正的問題是...你的貓咪給你一杯金湯力是不道德的嗎?

5、A classic example ofoverthink. Sorry, but this is a non-iss過了臘八就是年民謠ue.這是想太多的一個經(jīng)典例子很抱歉,但這是一個不成問題的問題6、Mental masturbationis very enjoyable, potentially as much so as catnip.。

