tile [tail] n. 瓦,瓷磚tilt [tilt] v. (使)傾斜n. 傾斜,斜坡timid [?timid] a. 膽怯的,怯懦的tin [tin] n. 錫;罐,聽;罐頭【習慣用語】①live out of tins [cans] [口]靠罐頭食品過日子②straight from the tin 第一手蘋果支持的,原來的;新鮮的
tiny [?taini] a. 微小的,極小的tip [tip] n. 小費;末端,尖端v. 給小費;傾倒,弄歪【習慣用語】have(sth) on the tip of ones tongue 話到嘴邊(卻想不起來了)
tire/tyre [?tai?(r)] n. 輪胎tiresome [?tai?s?m] a. 使人厭倦的,討厭的toast [t?ust] n. 烤面包片;祝酒【習慣用語】old toast 活躍的老人;老酒徒;魔鬼
toe [t?u] n. ①腳趾,腳尖②襪子尖;鞋尖There is a 蘋果支持hole in the toe of my sock. 我的襪子尖有一個洞【習慣用語】on ones toes 警覺的;隨時準備行動。
toilet [?t?ilit] n. 廁所,洗手間【同】bathroom, restroom, washroom, ladies, mens roomtoken [?t?uk?n] n. ①標志,象征
【同】certificate, check, clue②紀念品【同】mementtolerance [?t?l?r?ns] n. 忍耐(力),忍受,容忍【同】endurance, patience, suffer蘋果支持ance
【派】tolerable, tolerant, tolerate【試題精練】Some people have greater____to pain than others.A. enduranceB. tolerance
C. resistanceD. obedience【答案】B. tolerance(to/of) n. (可加不定冠詞)忍受,容忍,忍耐(力)(如Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold. show tolerance to other people蘋果支持; my tolerance of noise; tolerance between the races of the world)。
endurance(of) n. 忍耐,忍耐力;耐久性resistance(to) n. 抵抗力;抵抗,反抗,抵制obedience(to) n. 服從,順從tolerant [?t?l?r?nt] a. 忍受的,容忍的,寬容的
息;支持;維持(生命等)undergo vt. 遭受,經歷toll [t?ul,t?l] n. 通行稅(費),費,代價,鐘聲vt. 征收,敲鐘,鳴tomb [tu?m] n. 墳tomorro蘋果支持w [t??m?r?u] n. /ad. ①明天;未來②不久;將來。
【習慣用語】①Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. [諺] 今日事今日畢②Tomorrow never comes. [諺]切莫依賴明天③Tomorrow is a new day. 明天還來得及;明天還有指望。
ton [tu?] n. ①噸②公噸(等于1000千克)(=metric ton) 1000 kilos is a metric ton. 1000千克是1公噸③許多;大量tons of fruit 大量的水果。
【習慣用語】①a ton of 許多②ton蘋果支持s of 大量,許多③tons of times 屢次,許多次tone [t?un] n. ①音調;腔調,語氣;風格【同】sound, noise, note, resonance, color, shade, mood, spirit, atmosphere
②音質;音色③[音]音程【習慣用語】①dial [dialing] tone (電話的)撥號聲②(=set the tone) give tone to 賦予某種情調或氣氛③in a tone 一致tongue [t??] n. ①舌頭;語言
【同】speech, language②(供食用的)動物舌頭,口條③舌狀物;鞋舌;鐘舌【習慣用語】蘋果支持get ones tongue around 正確無誤地念出來tonight [t??nait] n. /ad. 今晚,今夜
too [tu?] ad. 也,又,還;太,過于【同】excessively, extremely, also, moreover【習慣用語】only too 非常;很only too pleased 再高興不過了
tool [tu?l] n. ①工具,用具【同】instrument, device, mechanism②(做事情需要的)工具Words are his tools. 語言是他的工具③傀儡;走狗【習慣用語】down tools 罷工。
tooth [tu?θ] 蘋果支持n. ①牙齒②鋸齒;梳子齒;齒輪的齒 The sharp parts of a comb or a saw are called teeth. 梳子和鋸子的尖銳部分叫做齒③(pl.)有效的權力When will the police be given the necessary teeth to deal with young criminals? 警察什么時候才能獲得對付青少年罪犯的權力?。
【習慣用語】①armed to the teeth 全副武裝,武裝到牙齒②escape by the skin of ones teeth 死里逃生;劫后余生③get ones teeth into 埋頭蘋果支持做;認真做
top [t?p] a. 最高的,最好的【同】highest, uppermost, topmost, supreme, excellent【反】lowest, worstn. ①頂,頂端;最高位【同】summit, head, crown, peak, captain, chief, principal, leader, cover, lid
【反】bottom②樹枝尖端的嫩葉;樹梢turnip tops 蕪菁葉③蓋子He took the top off the box. 他把箱蓋揭掉vt. 位……之首,居……之上;高過,超過【同】excel, exceed, surpass, b蘋果支持eat。
【習慣用語】in top(gear) (汽車)掛最高速度擋topic [?t?pik] n. 題目,話題,主題【同】theme, subject, argument【習慣用語】the topic of the day 當前最受人注意的問題,話題
torch [t??t?] n. 手電筒;火把,火炬【習慣用語】①carry a [the] torch for 單戀,單相思;始終不渝,忠心耿耿②hand [pass] on the torch 把知識文化的火炬?zhèn)鹘o后代③the torch of Hymen 愛情
torment [t???ment] n. 折磨,痛苦vt. 折磨,嚴刑拷打,使痛蘋果支持苦torrent [?t?r?nt] n. 激流【同】flood, burst, eruption, streamtorture [?t??t??(r)] n. /vt. 拷打,拷問;折磨
【同】suffer, abuse, agony【試題精練】The guards were accused of____the prisoners in order to make them confess.
A. torturingB. smashingC. tappingD. knocking【答案】A. torture vt. 拷打,折磨smash vt. 打碎,粉碎tap v. 輕扣,輕拍knock v.蘋果支持 敲,打;碰撞。
toss [t?s] vt. ①投,扔,拋【同】throw, cast, project②使顛簸【同】bumpn. ①投,扔,拋【同】throw②搖動【同】sway, swingtotal [?t?ut(?)l] n. 總數,合計
a. 總的,全部的,整個的v. 合計,總數達,達到touch [t?t?] n. 接觸,聯(lián)系;一點兒【同】sense, feeling, contact, connection, link, little, bit, slight, amount
v. ①觸,摸,碰;觸動,感動【同】feel, pat, rub, move, affect, strike蘋果支持, impress, stir, mention, relate, refer②嘗一口(食物);吃一點
③與……相比;與……相等Your work will never touch the standard set by Robert. 你的作品絕對達不到羅伯特的水準tough [t?f] a. ①堅韌的;棘手的;困難的;強壯的,吃苦耐勞的。
【同】firm, rigid, strong, hard, hardened, difficult, laborious, strict, severe, harsh【反】tender, simple②堅決的;強硬的;頑強的
a tough policy 強硬蘋果支持的政策③殘暴的;無法無天的【習慣用語】get tough [美俚]強硬起來,行動勇敢tour [tu?(r)] n. /v. ①旅行,游歷【同】trip, travel, journey, voyage, outing
②出差;巡視③巡回演出;巡回訪問;巡回比賽【習慣用語】①go on a tour 漫游,巡回,周游② make a tour of the world 周游世界③on tour 漫游中;周游或巡回中tourist [?tu?rist] n. ①旅游者,觀光者
【同】traveler, visitor, sightseer②巡回比賽的運動員tow [t?u] n. 拖,拖曳所用之繩,蘋果支持麻的粗纖維vt. 拖,曳,牽引vi. 拖行,被拖帶toward(s) [t??w??d(z)] prep. 向,朝;將近;對于
【同】to, for, near, regarding, concerning, abouttowel [?tau?l] n. 毛巾,手巾【習慣用語】throw in the towel 認輸tower [?tau?(r)] n. ①塔
【同】building, skyscraper, high-rise②(廣播等用的)鐵塔vi. 高聳【同】rise, soar, mount【反】sink【習慣用語】①ivory tower 象牙之塔;脫離現(xiàn)實生活的小天地②tower a蘋果支持bove [over] 高聳于;凌駕于……之上,勝過③tower and town [詩]有人家的地方
town [taun] n. ①城鎮(zhèn),市鎮(zhèn),城市【同】city, downtown【反】village, countryside②市民The whole town is angry. 全體市民都很憤慨【習慣用語】①come to town 到城里來;到場,露面;成為普通人,變得平凡;出生②down town (從郊區(qū)或郊外高地)進城;[美]城市的商業(yè)區(qū),鬧市區(qū)③ghost town 荒涼的廢城,被遺棄的城市遺跡
toxic [?t?ksik] a. 有毒的,因中毒引起的【同】harmful, p蘋果支持oisonoustoy [t?i] n. ①玩具【同】plaything, game②供人玩賞的小狗【習慣用語】①make a toy of 把………當作玩具;把……當兒戲 ②toy with 擺弄(某物);玩弄(女人等);不認真考慮或對待(某種計劃、想法等)
trace [treis] vt. 跟蹤,追蹤,查找【同】track, follow, seek, hunt, pursue, trailn. ①痕跡,蹤跡;少許【同】sign, indication, mark, track, trail, record, footprint
②(常與back連用)追溯;探索【習慣用語】①force in蘋果支持to the traces [美]迫使做日?,嵥榈墓ぷ?,迫使做枯燥無味的工作②in the traces 套著挽具;負擔日常工作;[喻]受駕馭③jump the traces 掙脫挽繩;[喻]擺脫束縛
track [tr?k] n. 跑道;軌道;足跡【同】footprint, trace, trail, path, way, lane, route, rail, railwayvt. 跟蹤,追蹤,尾隨
【同】trace, trail【習慣用語】①on the right track 想得對;做得對②on the wrong track 想得不對;做錯tractor [?tr?kt?(r)] n. 蘋果支持拖拉機,牽引機
trade [treid] n. 貿易,商業(yè),交易,生意,職業(yè),行業(yè),[氣]信風,顧客vi. 交易,買賣,經商,對換,購物vt. 用……進行交換trademark [?treidmɑ?k] n. ①商標,牌號②特征,標記
tradition [tr??di?(?)n] n. ①傳統(tǒng),慣例【同】custom, culture, belief, attitude, heritage, convention, routine, rule, habit
②世代因襲【習慣用語】①by tradition 照傳統(tǒng);據口傳②true to tradition 名不虛傳地【長難例句】If the t蘋果支持radition of ambition is to have vitality, it must be widely shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired, the educated not least among them. 如果想使野心這一傳統(tǒng)獲得活力,那么它必須得到眾多人的認可,尤其是得到那些本身就受人羨慕的人的尊敬,特別是其中受過教育的人。
【試題精練】It is one of our familys____foreldest sons to be c蘋果支持alled John.A. habitsB. customsC. traditionsD. methods
【答案】C. tradition n. 傳統(tǒng)(指一個民族或某一特定階層的人從歷史上留傳下來的習慣做法)habit n. (一般指個人的)習慣,習性custom n. (多指一個民族的)習慣,風俗,慣例method n. 辦法,方法。
traditional [tr??di??n(?)l] a. 傳統(tǒng)的,慣例的【同】conventional, established, typical, customarytraffic [?tr?fik] n. ①交通(量)
【同】transportation,蘋果支持 movement, travel, passage②來往的行人、車輛等The city streets are full of traffic. 城市的街道上滿是行人車輛。
③買賣;交易;商業(yè)【習慣用語】①arterial traffic 交通干線②have no traffic with 和……沒有交往③the traffic will bear 現(xiàn)有情況所許可的【試題精練】The policeman stands at the crossroads to regulate the____.
A. flowB. trafficC. transportD. communication【答案】B.蘋果支持 traffic n. 交通(量)(the flow of traffic; much/a lot of traffic; be held up in the traffic)。
flow n. 流(動)transport n. 運輸,運輸系統(tǒng),運輸工具communication n. 通訊,交流;傳達;(pl.)通訊聯(lián)系,交通工具tragedy [?tr?d?idi] n. ①悲劇;慘事,災難
【同】play, drama, misfortune, suffering【反】comedy②悲劇性作品;悲劇體裁【試題精練】The accident was a terrible____; they a蘋果支持ll died.
A. eventB. tragedyC. occurrenceD. disgrace【答案】B. tragedy n. 慘事,災難;悲劇(反義詞:comedy喜?。〆vent n. 事件,大事;(體育)比賽項目。
occurrence n. 發(fā)生,出現(xiàn);發(fā)生的事情,事件disgrace n. 恥辱,不光彩;可恥,不光彩的事tragic [?tr?d?ik] a. 悲劇的,悲慘的【同】sad, dreadful, sorrowful, terrible
【反】comictrail [treil] n. 蹤跡,痕跡,形跡vt. 跟蹤,追蹤,拉,拖,拖拉,(指植物)蔓生,蔓延,(指人)沒蘋果支持精打采地走train [trein] n. 火車;一列,一串【同】line, chain, series, succession, string
v. 訓練,培養(yǎng)【同】teach, instruct, educate, drilltrait [treit] n. 特征,特點,特性【同】characteristic, featuretraitor [?treit?(r)] n. 叛徒
【同】betrayertram [tr?m] n. 有軌電車tramp [tr?mp] n. ①流浪漢【同】vagabond, vagrant, hobo②長途跋涉【同】march, parade, hike ③腳步聲蘋果支持
vt. ①用沉重的腳步行走②跋涉training [?treini?] n. ①訓練,培養(yǎng)【同】instruction, education②訓練法;食物調配法Actors need training in diction. 演員需要訓練發(fā)音。
【習慣用語】①be in [out of] training 練習得好[不好]②go into training 從事練習trait [treit] n. 顯著的特點,特性traitor [?treit?(r)] n. 叛逆者,叛國者
tram [tr?m] n. 有軌電車,電車軌道,煤車,吊車v. 乘電車tramp [tr?mp] v. 重步行走,踏,踐蘋果支持,踐踏transaction [tr?n?z?k?(?)n] n. 辦理,處理,會報,學報,交易,事務,處理事務
transcend [tr?n?send] vt. 超越,勝過transfer [tr?ns?f??(r)] n. 遷移,移動,傳遞,轉移,調任,轉賬,過戶,轉讓vt. 轉移,調轉,調任,傳遞,轉讓,改變
vi. 轉移,轉學,換車transform [tr?ns?f??m] vt. 轉變;改造;變換【同】change, alter, reconstruct【長難例句】Were the Times Co. to purchase another major media company, 蘋果支持there is no doubt that it could dramatically transform a family-run enterprise that still gets 90% of its revenues from newspapers. 如果時代公司購買另一家主要的大眾傳播公司的話,毫無疑問它能夠把至今仍然從報紙中獲得90%的總收入的家族經營的公司戲劇般地改造過來。
【試題精練】The coming of the railways in the 1830s____our society and economic life.A. transmittedB. transpo蘋果支持rted
C. transferredD. transformed【答案】D. transform(into) vt. 改造,改善;使改觀;變換,使變樣(transform an old house into a showplace; transform heat into power, transform sb into a responsible person)。
transmit vt. 傳送,傳遞,輸送;播送,發(fā)射transport vt. 運輸,運送transfer vt. 轉移,轉換;調動transformation [?tr?nsf??mei?(?)n] n. ①變化,轉變;改造,改蘋果支持革
【同】alteration, change, reformation, variation, modification②[數]變換③[電]變壓transient [?tr?nsi?nt] a. 短暫的,過路的
【同】fleeting, passing, migratorytransistor [tr?n?sist?(r)] n. 晶體管;晶體管收音機【同】radiotransition [tr?n?si?(?)n] n. 轉變,變遷,過渡(時期)
【同】transformation, shift, development, changeover, passagetranslate [tr?ns?蘋果支持leit] vt. ①翻譯【同】reword, restate, interpret, decode
②解釋;說明③轉變,變化【習慣用語】①Kindly translate. 請簡單明了地說明你的意思②translate…as 把……解釋為……③translate…into 把……譯成……;把……轉變成……;使……體現(xiàn)為……。
translation [tr?ns?lei?(?)n] n. ①翻譯;譯文【同】interpretation, treatment, version, adaptation,②移動;調動transmission [tr?nz?mi?(?)n] vt. ①傳遞,傳送,播送
【蘋果支持同】transference, broadcast, conveyance, spread②傳動裝置【同】conveyortransmit [tr?nz?mit] vt. ①傳遞;傳播,播送,傳導【同】send, convey, relay
②傳送(動力、電力等)【試題精練】Genes are____from one generation to another by the chromosomes.A. conveyedB. transported
C. transmittedD. handed【答案】C. transmit vt. 傳送,傳遞,輸送;(電臺)播送,發(fā)送(如Rubber does 蘋果支持not transmit electricity. Messages are often transmitted by radio. Rats transmit disease.)。
convey vt. 傳導,輸送,運送;傳達,表達transport vt. 運輸,運送hand vt. (用手)遞交transparent [tr?ns?p?r?nt] a. 透明的;明顯的【同】clear, lucid, glassy
【派】transparence, transparency, transparently, transparentness【試題精練】The true reason why Jan蘋果支持e went fishing is as____as glass—she didnt want to clean the house.
A. superficialB. apparentC. transparentD. obvious【答案】C. transparent a. (本義)透明的;(引申)顯然的,明顯的,明白易懂的(如Your scheme is so transparent that it will fool no one. The water was so transparent that we could see the fish clearly.)。
superficial a蘋果支持. 膚淺的,淺薄的;表面的apparent a. 顯然的,明明白白的;表面上的,貌似的obvious a. 顯然的,明顯的(注:由于句中有glass一詞,因此不能選用apparent或obvious)。
transplant [?tr?nsplɑ?nt] vt. 移植transport [tr?ns?p??t] vt. ①運輸,搬運【同】carry, deliver, move, convey, ship
②流放,放逐(罪犯)[?tr?nsp??t] n. 運輸,運輸工具【習慣用語】①be transported with 萬分激動;心蕩神移②in a transport [transports]蘋果支持 of 在……的激動情緒之中,(喜)不自勝;(怒)不可遏
transportation [?tr?nsp???tei?(?)n] n. 運輸;運輸工具【同】carriage, movement, traffic, traffic systemtrap [tr?p] n. 陷阱;圈套
【同】blind, trick, netvt. 設陷阱;誘捕;使陷困境【同】entrap, catchtrash [tr??] n. ①垃圾,廢物【同】rubbish, waste, garbage, junk, refuse
②沒用的人,社會渣滓,敗類③拙劣的文學(或藝術)作品vt. 搗毀,破壞travel [?tr?蘋果支持v(?)l] n. 旅行【同】journey, tour, trip, expedition, voyage
v. ①旅行;行進,傳播【同】tour, journey, wander, spread②走得快,快走【同】walk, proceed, goWe were really travelling when the police caught us. 警察抓到我們時,我們正開得飛快。
【習慣用語】①travel along [口]行走,快步行走②travel in 旅行推銷,四處兜銷③travel over (眼睛)仔細地看,逐個地看;仔細考慮tray [trei] n. 托盤,碟treaso蘋果支持n [?tri?z(?)n] n. 叛國,通敵
【同】betrayal, double-dealingtreasure [?tre??(r)] n. 財富;寶貝【同】wealth, jewelry, riches, fund, valuables, gold, fortune
vt. 珍愛,珍視【同】value, prize, cherish, appreciate【反】disregard【習慣用語】treasure up 珍藏;銘記treat [tri?t] n. 請客,款待
【同】entertainment, hospitalityv. ①對待,處理;治療;請客【同】regard, consid蘋果支持er, approach, attend, serve, prescribe, entertain, amuse
②視為; 以為He treated his mistake as a joke. 他把他的錯誤當作玩笑看待③(常與with連用)談判;商議【習慣用語】ones treat 某人做東,某人請客【派】treatable, treatment, treaty, maltreat。
treaty [?tri?ti] n. 條約,談判treatment [?tri?tm?nt] n. ①對待,處理;待遇;治療【同】management, handling, entertainment, cure蘋果支持, care
②治療法;治療藥品The doctors treatment cured him. 醫(yī)生的治療使他的病痊愈了tree [tri?] n. ①樹②樹狀灌木③樹狀物;衣帽架;鞋架【習慣用語】①A tree is known by its fruit. [諺]觀其果而知其樹;觀其行而知其人。
②As a tree falls, so shall it lie.[諺]樹倒在何處,就躺在何處(指事物有其必然的規(guī)律)(來自《圣經》)③As the tree, so the fruit. [諺]有其樹必有其果;什么樹結什么果。
tremble [?tremb(?)l] vi. 發(fā)抖,顫抖;搖動【同】蘋果支持shake, quiver, shiver【習慣用語】①all of a tremble(=all in a tremble, on the tremble) [口]渾身顫抖;緊張萬分②Hear and tremble! 好好聽著,牢記?。、踭remble out 顫抖著說
tremendous [tri?mend?s] a. ①巨大的,驚人的【同】huge, gr蘋果支持eat, enormous②非常好的;絕頂的【同】terrific, wonderful, superb, splendid
a tremendous piano player 一位非常杰出的鋼琴家trench [trent?] n. ①溝,渠【同】channel, ditch, dugout, foxhole②戰(zhàn)壕trend [trend] n. /vi. 傾向,趨勢
【同】tendency, bearing, leaning, tend, lean, turn, advance【習慣用語】set the trend(在風尚、式樣上)開個頭,帶個頭trial [?trai?l] n. ①審訊;試蘋果支持驗
【同】case, hearing, sentence②嘗試;試圖【同】experimentation, test, proof, examinationThe trial pilot is heading triumphantly for home. 那個試飛飛行員正向基地勝利返航。
③令人討厭的人或事;麻煩事That child of his is a great trial. 他那個孩子真叫人受不了【習慣用語】on trial 為了試驗或試用Please take it on trial. 請拿去試用;受審訊中。
triangle [?trai??ɡ(?)l] n. ①三角,三角形②三角形的蘋果支持物體③[樂器]三角鈴tribe [traib] n. ①部落【同】clan, family, race②(動植物的)族,類tribute [?tribju?t] n. ①頌揚,頌詞
【同】compliment, praise, eulogy②貢品,貢獻【同】contribution, donationtrick [trik] vt. 欺騙,哄騙【同】cheat, fooln. ①詭計,花招,騙局,竅門
【同】fraud, trickery, skill, art②惡作劇【同】jokeThe children played a trick on their teacher. 孩子們捉弄了他們的老師③蘋果支持怪癖。
【習慣用語】not miss a trick(=never miss a trick) 對一切都了解【派】trickery, trickytrifle [?traif(?)l] n. 少量;小事,瑣事【同】bit
【習慣用語】a trifle 稍微;有點【派】trivial, trivialitytrigger [?triɡ?(r)] n. 扳機vt. 引起,激發(fā)起【同】encourage, stimulate, inspire, motivate
trim [trim] vt. /n. 修剪,整修(頭發(fā),樹枝等)【同】cut, modify, decoratea. 整齊的trip [tri蘋果支持p] v. 絆倒,失足n. ①旅行,遠足【同】tour, outing, journey, expedition, travel②出差錯;犯過失He tripped on that difficult question 他把那道難題答錯了。
③以輕快的腳步跑或跳【習慣用語】①a round trip (乘船、飛機、火車等)來回票;[美]往返旅行,周游②catch sb tripping 挑某人……的錯處③ego trip [俚]對個人利益[欲望]的追逐
triple [?trip(?)l] a. ①三部分的,三方的②三倍的,三重的vt. 使增至三倍triumph [?trai?mf] vi. 戰(zhàn)勝蘋果支持,獲勝【同】win, succeed, conquer, prevail
n. ①勝利,凱旋【同】victory, success, conquest, accomplishment, achievement【反】failure②勝利的喜悅;成功的歡樂;得意洋洋③(古羅馬的)凱旋式
【習慣用語】①in triumph 勝利地,耀武揚威地②triumph over 戰(zhàn)勝,擊敗,因……而歡欣鼓舞【長難例句】All that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing. 那些給人帶來誤導的運動蘋果支持之所以能夠得逞,就是因為好人沒有采取行動。
【詞義辨析】triumph和victorytriumph:現(xiàn)一般指完全的、卓越的、決定性的勝利或勝利的喜悅victory:主要指戰(zhàn)爭上的勝利,也指競爭賽中所得到的勝利trivial [?trivi?l] a. 瑣碎的,不重要的。
【同】unimportant, pettytrolley/trolly [?tr?li] n. ①手推車③[美]有軌電車,[英]無軌電車troop [tru?p] n. (常pl. )軍隊,部隊;一群【同】squad, party, unit, group, crowd, company, band, flock, army, 蘋果支持forces
【習慣用語】①get ones troop 升任騎兵連長②household troops 王室禁衛(wèi)軍tropic [?tr?pik] n. ①回歸線②(pl.)熱帶(地區(qū))tropical [?tr?pik(?)l] a. ①熱帶的
【同】hot②炎熱的,酷熱的tropical weather 炎熱的天氣trouble [?tr?b(?)l] n. 麻煩,煩惱;困境;故障;費神;【同】worry, suffering, embarrassment, anxiety, problem, effort, pains, riot, disorder, disturbance
【反】joyv蘋果支持. ①使苦惱;費神,打擾【同】disturb, worry, annoy, bother, inconvenience②(常pl.)動亂③過錯;罪過【習慣用語】①ask for trouble(=look for trouble) 找麻煩②get(a girl) into trouble 使(女孩)未婚懷孕
troublesome [?tr?b(?)ls?m] a. 麻煩的,令人煩惱的【同】annoying, disturbingtrousers [?trauz?z] n. (pl.)褲子,長褲【同】pants
truck [tr?k] n. 卡車,載重汽車,手推小貨車【同】lorry, van,蘋果支持 automobiletrue [tru?] a. ①正確的,真正的;忠實的【同】trustworthy, loyal, faithful, honest, real, truthful, actual, correct, accurate, exact
【反】dishonest, false, inaccurate②逼真的;一模一樣的③安裝或配置得準確無誤的The wheel is true. 這個輪子裝得很正【習慣用語】true to type 典型的。
【派】truly, truth, truthfultrumpet [?tr?mpit] n. 喇叭,小號【同】horntrunk [tr??蘋果支持k] n. ①樹干;軀干;衣箱【同】log②象鼻子【同】nose
③(pl.)男用游泳褲;男用運動褲【習慣用語】live in ones trunks 總穿著旅行服裝;老在旅行,行蹤不定trust [tr?st] vt. 信任,信賴,盼望,希望,賒賣,熱望,切望n. (~in)信任,信賴
truth [tru?θ] n. 事實,真相;真理【同】fact, reality, actuality, virtue【反】fiction, falsehood【習慣用語】①arrive at the truth 獲知真相,明白底細②entrench upon the truth 違背真理③gospel [Go蘋果支持ds] truth 絕對的真理,天經地義的事
try [trai] v. /n. ①試圖,努力;試用;審問【同】test, examine, experiment, prove, question, judge, hear, attempt②審問,審判
③使受痛苦,使受磨難【習慣用語】①Do try more. 多嘗一些(勸人喝酒、吃點心等時的用語)②have a try 試試看,嘗試一下③Never try to prove what nobodydoubts. [諺]無人懷疑的事,無須證實。
tub [t?b] n. 盆,桶tube [tju?b;(US)tu?b] n. 管;軟管;地鐵;電子管蘋果支持,顯像管;管狀器官【同】pipe, line, subway【習慣用語】①the boob tube [美俚]電視,電視機②travel [go] by tube 乘坐地下火車③two penny tube 倫敦地下鐵路
tuck [t?k] vt. ①折起,卷起【同】fold, roll②把……塞進Tuesday [?tju?zdei,-zdi;(US)?tu?-] n. 星期二【習慣用語】Shrove [Pancake] Tuesday [宗]圣灰星期三的前一天;四旬節(jié)開始的前一天;懺悔日
tug [t?ɡ] n. ①拖,拉【同】pull, jerk, wrench, draw, tow, h蘋果支持aul②拖船v. 拖tuition [tju??i?(?)n;(US)?tu?-]n. 學費【同】education, instruction
【派】tuitional, tuitionarytumble [?t?mb(?)l] vi. ①摔倒,跌倒【同】fall, drop②跌落【同】slip③翻筋斗④滴下,落下【同】fall, sink, decline, plunge
vt. ①使摔倒【同】stagger②弄亂n. ①翻滾【同】rolling②混亂【同】disturbance, disordertumor/tumour [?tju?m?(r)] n. 腫瘤tune [tju?n;(US)tu蘋果支持?n] n. 曲調,調子;和諧
v. 調諧,調節(jié)【同】adjust, adapt, regulate, prepare【習慣用語】①call the tune 發(fā)號施令;指令②change ones tune 改變主張、論調、行為③in tune 入調
tunnel [?t?n(?)l] n. 地道,隧道【同】subway, bore, dig, mineturbine [?t??bain] n. 氣輪機,渦輪機turbulent [?t??bjul?nt] a. ①波濤洶涌的,狂暴的
【同】disorderly, violent②騷亂的,動蕩的【同】riotous, upset【派】turbule蘋果支持nceturkey [?t??ki] n. 火雞【同】cock, hen, chicken
turn [t??n] v. 旋轉,轉動;轉向;轉變;【同】revolve, rotate, circle, spin, overturn, change, alter, transform, transfer, look back, become, grow, get
n. ①轉動,轉向;輪流【同】revolution, rotation, cycle, round, occasion, opportunity, change, shift, transformation, turning point
②對蘋果支持準;指向【習慣用語】at every turn 處處;經常;總是turnover [?t??n?uv?(r)] n. 翻覆,翻折,半圓卷餅,流通量,營業(yè)額,周轉a. 有一部分翻轉的,可翻轉的tutor [?tju?t?(r);(US)?tu?-]n. 指導教師;(大學的)教師,導師
【同】private teacher, instructor, adviser, professor, coach, educator, trainervt. 教,指導【同】teach, instruct, train, educate
twelfth [twelfθ] num. 第十二,十二分之一twelve [tw蘋果支持elv] num. ①十二,十二個②第十二③十二歲的【習慣用語】①in twelves [刷]十二開本②strike twelve 顯出全副本領[獲得大成功]
twentieth [?twenti?θ] num. 第二十,二十分之一twenty [?twenti] num. 二十,二十個twice [twais] ad. 兩次,兩倍【習慣用語】①at twice(=in twice) 分兩次;于第二次②once or twice 一兩次
twin [twin] a. 成雙的;孿生的【同】two, doubling, twofold, identicaln. ①雙胞胎②關系密切的、兩個極其相似的人或蘋果支持物之一twinkle [?twi?k(?)l] vi. ①(星等)閃爍
【同】glitter, flash②(眼睛)發(fā)亮【同】sparklen. ①閃爍【同】twinkling②(眼睛的)閃光,閃亮【同】shining③發(fā)光,照耀twist[twist]v./n. ①扭曲,扭傷
【同】hurt②纏繞【同】rotate③旋轉④曲解⑤環(huán)繞two[tu?]num. 二,兩點鐘【習慣用語】put two and two together 根據事實的推測,推斷type[?taip]v. 打字
【同】typewrite, copyn. ①類型,種類,樣式【同】fashion, mode, pattern, mo蘋果支持del, original, sample②典型;模范;樣板;榜樣;表率③鉛字;活字
typewriter[?taiprait?(r)]n. 打字機typhoon[tai?fu?n]n. 臺風typical[?tipik(?)l]a. ①典型的,有代表性的【同】characteristic, illustrative, model, representative
②(常與of連用)特有的,具有……特征的【同】unique, outstanding【反】normal【習慣用語】be typical of 代表,象征【長難例句】Aimlessness has hardly been typical o蘋果支持f the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. 毫無目標極少能被認為是戰(zhàn)后日本——一個生產力的迅猛發(fā)展及社會的安定和諧足以讓歐美各國眼紅的國家的典型特征。
【試題精練】These features are____of what we may call educated informal English.A. typicalB. economicalC. short
D. composed【答案】A. typical(of) a. 典型的,有蘋果支持代表性的,代表了……(如a typical day at the office; a typical school boy. Such bragging is typical of his behavior. The inversion is typical of literary style.)。
economical(of) a. 節(jié)約的,節(jié)儉的short (of) a. 缺乏的,不足的be composed of 由……組成,由……構成typist[?taipist]n. 打字員